As licensed and approved, family run funeral directors we pride ourselves on providing an affordable and dedicated service to families across Eastham. We are committed to economical, professional and quality services and offer all families a sensitive approach. We cater for many types of funeral and do our utmost to help the members of our community through difficult times.
Professional Undertakers in Eastham
Our company director along with everyone on the team provides a full and supportive service for those that have suffered a loss. We know that bereavement is confusing which is why we offer help and guidance and focus on providing truly supportive and beneficial services. We can advise you on all funeral services and ensure you make the right choices. From religious, non-religious, and Catholic to humanist and civil services available to a wide array of cheap coffins, eco-friendly funerals and caskets, burial at sea and woodland burials we are here to help with every aspect of funeral arrangement.
Funeral Arrangements
As dedicated funeral directors in Eastham we make ourselves available throughout the week and weekends. We will listen to your needs and offer the finest possible recommendations. We are happy to visit you at home and we will always deliver nothing less than a respectful and sensitive service. We are happy to help any day of the week and weekend including Saturday and we will offer all the advice you need to plan the right funeral within your available budget.
Pre-Paid Funerals
Nobody wants to leave loved ones with the financial burden of funeral planning and our pre-paid funeral plans are structured to give you complete peace of mind. We offer four different pre-paid funeral plans as well as the option to add extra features for a personalised plan that meets all your requests. Additionally, when you purchase a pre-paid package a tree will be planted on your behalf by the UK’s leading conservation charity, The Woodland Trust.
Our comprehensive list of services ensures all aspects of the funeral are covered from floral tributes, stationery, order of service and music to a large selection of vehicles such as Jaguar funeral cars and horse-drawn carriages. We also provide dedicated aftercare including referrals for bereavement counselling and advice regarding headstones, transferral and interment of cremated remains as well as free storage of cremated remains. Family run companies can offer a personal touch and we strive at all times to remain consistently supportive funeral directors providing compassionate and comprehensive undertaker services in Eastham.